Saturday, May 9, 2009


I love spring time. Despite it's dangers (pollen, poison ivy, and the allure of baby animals I don't have the time/room/money to care for), I truly enjoy seeing green, lush growth after the dreary brown, dormant scenery of winter.

Spring reminds me of the seasons of growth I'm continually going through as a person and as a child of God. All I can say is I'm glad God's not through with me yet. I've been struggling... more often than not... for as long as I can remember. God has granted me triumphs and given me great blessings that I don't deserve, and yet I still feel like I'm waging a continual uphill battle.

I've been trying to pair my worries with remind myself despite what I'm facing, God has always seen me through.

Frustrations at work. But thank God for work!

Worries about money. But thank God for work and for keeping me healthy so I don't miss work!

Unresolved pain and bitterness about my mom. But thank God for granting me understanding and hope in the future -- being reunited with mom in heaven, one day experiencing the fullness of motherhood myself.

Ugh-ness. Amen!

Haha. Still a work in progress, as you can see!