Wednesday, March 25, 2009

what was i thinking?

so...i'm scheduled to "preach" at my church next weekend...

i kind of have an idea of what i want to say...

but what was i thinking?

i'm 25. i have no theological training. i'm not a "good" christian. who would want to hear me speak? i don't feel qualified.

on the one hand, makes me really grateful to be a part of a church where everyone has value... including me.

on the other hand, they must be desperate for speakers.

i'm getting really nervous...


  1. You will do great. It's good that you're nervous, it means you care...and when you care, you knock it out of the ballpark. Maybe your voice will be a little shaky if you're still nervous when you're doing it, but it will help you seem more genuine/authentic. Howie's brother is flying in from Portland this weekend, otherwise we'd head down there and hear you. What are you preaching on?

  2. Sarah - you'll do GREAT!

  3. Please--enough with the false humility already.
